What is Online Therapy?

Online therapy is the use of video, voice-call, instant messaging and/or email to help assist people with their emotional difficulties. Video sessions will require access to a webcam. Voice, email and instant messaging will require a smartphone, tablet or laptop. For all mediums, clients will require a fast internet connection.

Is Online Therapy for me?

This type of therapy is ideal for clients with a busy schedule as you can have sessions at home or on the go. You can access sessions easily via online therapy; (a) if you have a physical health issues which may prevent you from leaving home (b) if you are struggling with severe anxiety and/or depression which may prevent you from leaving your home (c) if you feel uncomfortable with walking into a clinic and (d) if you live in a remote area where there are limited services nearby.

Online therapy is not suitable for all issues, individuals or difficulties. If you wish to know more, do not hesitate to contact me.

Online Privacy and Security

Privacy & Security

This is a common concern with clients working online and this is taken seriously. For this online practice the technologies used have been carefully selected, drawing on the best encryption and privacy standards available today. There are limited versions of platforms for online therapy and the ones chosen for this online practice are the most secure platforms to keep clients privacy and personal data protected. As better options become available, this will be reviewed to ensure privacy and personal data are kept to the highest standard.

Personal Data Storage

Client case notes and contact details are secured by multiple encryption layers: (a) All client data is saved on to encrypted USB’s which are stored in a locked cabinet when not in use and are only used on secure devices (b) All client’s personal data is coded and this information is stored on to an encrypted USB (c) Clients data (i.e. session notes) is stored separately from the personal data codes, this information is also stored on to an encrypted USB (d) Passwords for all secure devices used

The Technologies I Use

(a) Vsee is an end to end encrypted video service https://vsee.com/ (b) Vsee is also an end to end instant messaging/live chat service https://vsee.com/ (c) ProtonEmail which is an end to end encrypted email service https://protonmail.com/. For any questions/concerns about these technologies or how your data will be used, you are welcome to contact me.


The technologies used are all HIPPA compliant. There is no guarantee that exposure of personal information is kept secure on both ends but having a secure channel in the middle allows for the highest level of security.

General Data Protection Regulation

GDPR enquiries can be submitted to sandeepranu@protonmail.com. As per GDPR requirements, I’ll respond to your request within 30 days.